Section outline

  • Photograph of Jessica ClaridgeMA114: Matrices and Complex Numbers

    Hi, I'm Jessica Claridge. This week in MA114 we will begin by ensuring everyone is set up to use MATLAB and will start exploring Complex Numbers.


    "There can be very little of present-day science and technology that is not dependent on complex numbers in one way or another."

    Keith Devlin

    Photograph of Alexei Vernitski

    Hi, I'm Alexei Vernitski, I also teach on this module.


    • Get ready

      There are a few things you need to do to prepare for this week's activities.

    • You will need to install MATLAB on your own device (it needs to be PC, Mac or Linux). MATLAB is also available in our open access PC Labs on campus.

    • A map with all the locations of our open access PC labs on our Colchester campus.

    • Videos

      There are three short videos to watch this week.

      Before your timetabled lecture, you need to set aside an hour or so to watch and digest the two videos below (2.4 and 2.6) which introduce complex numbers and multiplication of complex numbers. The accompanying PDFs contain the handwritten lecture notes from the videos so you can refer back to these as needed.

    • Lab A

      Resources to support this week's lab.

      Week 2 lecture: Matrices and Complex Numbers

      Whether face-to-face or online, we will be covering the same material. We will begin by completing a Kahoot! quiz to assess how well you have understood the material from the videos and notes. Note: To take part, you will need a smartphone, tablet or computer that can access the Internet.

      We will use the results of this quiz to highlight any areas that the group has found difficult. We will then spend some time reinforcing those areas. If time allows, we will have a go at some additional questions.

      Watch lecture
      Card image cap

    • Lab B

      Resources to support this week's lab.

    • Help & support

      If you have any questions that did not get answered in the lecture or the labs, then we will finish the week with a voluntary online Q&A session for all students. No new material will be covered in this session, it is there to allow you can come along and ask questions. If you prefer you can email us ( and your question(s) and I can answer them (anonymously) in the session.

    • The Q&A sessions will take place via Zoom. Make sure you turn up on time!