Calculation Strategies & Arithmetic
Section: Calculation Strategies & Arithmetic | Numeracy for Nursing Practice | Open Essex
There are many strategies for solving number problems. The method that you were taught at school may still work well for you. However, if maths just didn't 'click' at school and you still find mental and/or written arithmetic confusing, then this section is here to help. It contains:
- quick guides to the essential strategies for basic arithmetic
- short screencasts and supporting resources for brushing up your skills
- topics presented in order of difficulty, starting with some quite basic revision materials, working through to more complex and challenging calculations.
Please do take the time to explore the resources on the Khan Academy and Maths Doctor websites. Each has a variety of online exercises and worksheets for practising your skills.
This method is currently taught in many UK primary schools. It's excellent; many adults find it much more straightforward than the traditional 'long multiplication' method that they learned in school!
This interactive resource will help you refresh/revise this 'old school' method of division.