Section outline

  • Within this section you will find supporting resources to help you complete your RPL portfolio to gain entry onto the OTDA . For further guidance on completion or any queries in relation to the RPL process please contact the OTDA programme Lead or Apprenticeship hub. 

    • This document has further guidance on completing some sections of the AP(E)L document that you will have been sent. 

    • This short referencing guide will help you to support your AP(E)L submissions with evidence. This is also the referencing style used on the OTDA apprenticeship programme. 

    • This link takes you to Dr Matumo Ramafikeng's (OT lecturer at the University of Essex) work on Occupational Therapy conceptual frameworks. The conceptual frameworks originate from theories, other models and evidence-based practice. The occupation-focused/based conceptual frameworks put emphasis on the interconnectedness/ interaction between the person, environment and occupation. This will help you to complete section 5 of the APeL document. 

    • This link takes you to Dr Matumo Ramafikeng's (OT lecturer at the University of Essex) work on activity analysis. An activity analysis is a tool used by Occupational Therapists to assess suitability of an activity for use in treatment to facilitate attainment of therapy outcomes. Knowledge of activity analysis and developing the skill of conducting one is regarded as an important competency in Occupational Therapy. This will help you to complete section 5 of the APeL document. 

    • As an employee of the NHS you are entitled to an OpenAthens account which will give you access to research and literature that will help you complete the essays for RPL. Please use this link to set up an account.